Dear contemplative creative community,
In our last blog, we started to explore perception through the eye's psycho-physiological visual functions and processes. Of course, the other five senses of touch, taste, hearing, smelling and consciousness can be investigated the same way through contemplative creative practices (CCP) with felt-sense consciousness methods and practices that reconnect body, heart, senses, and mind with internal and external experiences.
Last year with the Mindfulness Society Global Institute, I offered training (now available on-demand if you are interested) on how to "Train the Mind with Contemplative Visual Practices" where we investigated how to identify our perceptions using signs and symbols to cultivate clarity of mind.

1) Concentration (Shamata) will always be your foundation for calming and clarifying the embodied mind.
2) Direct perception, or True perception, can be trained using CCPs.
In February 2023, I will offer a 4-week virtual LIVE workshop on 'Breath Brushwork'. It is a weekly 60-minute encounter to cultivate the mind, heart, and body alignment with the brush. This is a concentration, attention, and mindfulness meditation training workshop on the internal and external practice of embodied mind. Registration are now open if you are interested.
Looking forward to practice with you in February,
Emma Ates